Sowing the Seed Capital Campaign
A Community of Memory
For almost 180 years, Christ Church Cathedral has proclaimed that “God is in the midst of the city.” Our community has served, gathered, worshiped and prayed, on the same plot of land, living out what it means to be followers of Jesus. Inspired by tradition, Christ Church Cathedral is a diverse and passionate Christian community devoted to meaningful worship and ministry. It is a parish that has embraced its historic, downtown Houston setting, and makes a difference in countless lives. Our community has been enormously blessed by the generations preceding us, who have been generous to the campus that surrounds us and have also taken great care to serve those outside these walls.
A Community of Expectation
After more than a year of research, conversation, feedback and prayer, we are excited to announce Sowing The Seed – The Campaign for Christ Church Cathedral. After careful study of our campus and ministries, the Cathedral vestry has unanimously voted to launch this $10 million fundraising effort. Today, the Cathedral campus is deeply in need of restoration and maintenance, just as its outreach efforts are ripe for sustaining support. To continue to provide inspiring worship and expand our transformative ministry to Houston and beyond, we must improve our aging campus and prepare for mission and the future.
Approved by the Cathedral vestry in October 2017, funds raised through this campaign will go toward:
- Once-in-a-generation, imperative restoration and renovation of the Cathedral campus
- The Tom Barrow and Stuart Hellmann Legacy Fund for Cathedral Preservation, to keep pace with necessary and ongoing major repairs
- The Mary and Walter Taylor Outreach Fund, to provide strategic support for The Beacon and other life-enhancing outreach initiatives
Join us. Please consider making a five year pledge to this campaign. Give generously to help sustain and broaden the Cathedral’s reach.
We invite your questions as we undertake this bold step so that we can continue to meet the spiritual needs of the people who seek worship, peace, and refuge on our campus.
Capital Campaign Committee Members
Fred Brecht
Margot and John Cater, campaign co-chairs
Linnet Deily
Shannon and Patrick Hayes
Jim Murdaugh and Gary Smith
Mimi and Charlie Prioleau
Carol and Andy Vickery
Bess and Matt Wareing
Building Committee Members
Guy Hagstette, Chair
Bill Curtis, Vice-chair
Andre Jackson
Ellen Harrison
Beth Wiedower Jackson
Roy Nolen
Carleta Sandeen
Charles Sanders, ex officio
David Simpson