8. AM Rite I
In-Person Worship

9 A.M Rite II
In-Person Worship

11 A.M Rite I
In-Person and Virtual Worship

1 P.M Rito II
Servicios Presenciales y Virtuales

5 p.m. The Well
In-Person and Virtual Worship

The Dean’s Hour with Rev. Canon Nicholas Porter
Enemies, Neighbors and the Peace of Jerusalem: The Dean’s Hour with Rev. Canon Nicholas Porter Whatâs the process of forging enmity into acceptance in Jerusalem and beyond? Founder of Jerusalem …
Epiphany Evensong – Sunday, January 12
This Sunday, we invite you to a special service of Choral Evensong to mark the season of Epiphany. The Cathedral Choir will celebrate this church feast day on Sunday at …
Annual Parish Retreat ⢠Jan. 17-19.
The Annual Parish Retreat is a relaxing weekend retreat at Camp Allen in the piney words just north of Houston. Reconnect with old friends, make new ones, and renew your …
Annual Parish Meeting – Sunday, January 26
The time is here once again for our Annual Parish Meeting! On Sunday, January 26th, in order to allow for our Annual Parish Meeting, please note that 8 a.m. & …
TNT: Tuesday Nights at the Treehouse
Tuesday nights in October will be like none other this Fall! Join us for TNT (Tuesday Nights in The Treehouse) from 6:30 to 8 p.m. for fun, fellowship, and Jesus! …