Impact of your Gifts
Thanks to your generosity, Christ Church Cathedral continues to be an expression of God’s love for the world. We have delivered the kind of preaching, teaching, liturgy, music, and programs that change lives. It is your financial support that allows us to do all of this and more. And for that we are grateful.
There are many ways to make financial gifts to Christ Church Cathedral. We strive to make giving easy for the donor, whether through one-time cash gifts, recurring contributions, annual pledges, contributions of stocks, planned gifts, and more.
Every Member Canvass – Annual Fund
The Every Member Canvass (EMC) allows us to pledge our support for the Cathedral’s work each year. Pledging is easy and can be done online.
Online Giving Options
Make a one-time gift or set up a recurring gift using PayPal:

Text to Give
Text the word “Give” to 888-998-1634. You’ll receive a text in response from, then follow the steps in the link.
Other Giving Options
Cash or Check Donations
Donations of cash or check are graciously accepted. These gifts can be placed in the offering plate during worship services, dropped off in the Cathedral offices, or mailed to 1117 Texas Ave, Houston, TX 77002. Checks or money orders should be made out to Christ Church Cathedral. To receive credit for cash donations, an envelope with donor name noted is required.
Credit Cards
Simplify your giving by authorizing an automated transfer of funds for your regular giving to Christ Church Cathedral. These transfers are made on the 16th of each month via credit card. Simply fill out the “Authorization Form” available in the church office, or download the form here: Credit Card Authorization Form (PDF).
Submit the form in person or via mail to the attention of the Finance Office. Once we receive your form, we will contact you to confirm the information. You may discontinue the debits at any time. You may also set up automatic payments through Automatic Billpay within your financial institution. Or set up recurring payments with the online giving form.
Gifts of Stock & Securities
Stock may be donated to Christ Church Cathedral by transferring investments to our account at Raymond James and Associates. Please read and share with your broker these transfer instructions (PDF).
Please let us know if you are planning to give a stock gift, so we can ensure it gets allocated and accredited properly.
Retirement Accounts
If you are 70½ years or older, you can make a direct gift from your retirement account to Christ Church Cathedral. Congress has made permanent the IRS provisions that allow donors who are 70½ years or older to make direct transfers of up to $100,000 each year from their IRAs to a charity without incurring any income tax on the amounts transferred. Additionally, a direct transfer from a retirement account to a charity will satisfy the minimum distribution requirements to the extent of the amount of the gift. If you file a joint return, your spouse can also have a QCD and exclude up to $100,000. See your accountant, investment advisor, or tax professional for more information on if you qualify.
Donor Advised Funds
Christ Church Cathedral is a qualified tax-exempt organization able receive gifts from Donor Advised Funds.
Contact CFO, Patrick Saccomanno if you have questions or need more information about ways to give.
If you have questions about automatic payments set up through our Finance Office,
contact Financial Administrator Peggy Beltrami.