​Search Committee Update

By: Rob Reedy

If you have been following our reports, you know that we have entered a very important phase of our work as your Search Committee-the in-person meetings with selected candidates who could be our next Dean. Interestingly, by the time you get this update, the Search Committee will have vetted 60 plus candidates and completed several in person visits. The preparation for our Committee meetings to vet a candidate are extensive as is our preparation for each in-person interview. In both cases, we use the website for the candidates’ church, and try to review a large sample of their on-line sermons, pod casts or adult formation classes, as well as other resources.

As you have heard, these in-person visits involve an extensive interview on Saturday and a more relaxed dinner that night, and the team attends one or more church services on Sunday. All of this is done with the utmost focus on confidentiality which we will continue to observe (please do not ask us where we have travelled recently!). To date, these visits have been interesting, informative, and candid. I will also add that the candidates deeply respect our Cathedral and are well prepared.

Of course, everything is different when you meet someone in person instead of watching them on the internet, and the reverse is also true. Candidates who we visit get a chance to get a feel for the spirit of the Cathedral and its Staff, programs, liturgy and music among other things.

Finally, it is important that we keep the interview process moving because many of the candidates are looking at other possible positions and may not be available for an extended period of time. Juggling all that is very time consuming and our Chair, Linnet Deily, has done a fantastic job of that process and leading our Committee. I encourage you to tell her thanks the next time you see her.

Please keep us in your prayers, and pray for us to truly listen to each other and to open ourselves to the Holy Spirit.