​Search Committee Update

May 2023 – Erin McMillin

Having completed in-person meetings with select prospects, the work of the Search Committee continues, entering its final phase – narrowing the field of prospects. The Search Committee has vetted nearly 70 prospects and visited in person with a handful of those. For the next step, select prospects travel to Houston, if not local, for several days to spend time with the Search Committee.

During a visit, the prospect joins the entire Search Committee for an interview that explores, to a greater extent, topics from the smaller group’s visit with the prospect and touches on additional topics. The prospect also leads a brief, informal Bible study for the committee, as well as a Eucharist, so we can see his/her teaching, preaching, and worship styles and skills first-hand. Over the course of the visit, the prospect and his/her partner join the entire committee for a casual dinner, take a tour of Houston if he/she is not local, and spend time with smaller groups of the Search Committee for coffee and meals, learning more about the Cathedral and the city. These visits are a wonderful way for the committee to get better acquainted with the prospect in both formal and informal settings. While the committee ascertains if the prospect is a good fit for the Cathedral, the prospect also gets a better idea of the role of the Dean and the Cathedral community.

The Search Committee is excited about this next step in our work and is grateful for your patience and support. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, asking that the Holy Spirit guide us in choosing our next Dean.