
At Christ Church Cathedral, we embrace the role of welcoming people to our community.

Cathedral Tours

Valerie Meisel

The Cathedral Tour Guides offer tours and answer other questions about the Cathedral ā€” its history, stained glass windows. and the people who founded and sustained it. The team of volunteers welcomes visitors and leads tours after the Sunday services, on Wednesdays at the Cathedral from 10:30-2:30, and by appointment for group tours. You will recognize the Tour Guides by their red badges at special Cathedral events where they are ready to answer questions. Tour length varies from 15 minutes to 1 hour. Contact Valerie Meisel, Cathedral Tour Coordinator, for more information.

Reception Committee

Elizabeth Cuevas

Time : 3 ā€“ 4 hours per event, usually on a Sunday, six times per year

The Reception Committee adds a gracious touch of hospitality to Cathedral events and celebrations by hosting receptions for confirmation, Evensongs, and other special events as needed. The Reception Committee gathers to prepare and display delicious food following keystone events throughout the year, all while engaging in fellowship together. New members are always welcome to join the team and learn the hospitality traditions of cathedral receptions. Volunteer occasionally or on a regular basis. No experience necessary.

Welcome Team

Elizabeth Cuevas

Time : 2 hours per month if scheduled that month

Welcome Team members are of particular assistance to Cathedral guests, who often are first-time visitors navigating the church campus. Welcome Team members arrive 15 minutes before service and remain 15 minutes after service to work their shifts to greet newcomers and fellow parishioners as they arrive for and depart from worship service. They also assist parishioners at the Welcome/Information Table in Reynolds Hall. Being a Welcome Team member is a great way to get to know the people who share your church community and to create a warm and an inviting atmosphere.

Annual Events

The Cathedral has many annual events and celebrations that are successful year after year because of our enthusiastic volunteers.

These include Boo Bash, Episcopal Night at the Astros, the Alternative Giving Market, Christmas at the Cathedral, May Fete, and many others.