Mary Jane Ferguson Memorial Service

We extend heartfelt sympathy to the family of Mary Jane Ferguson. Her funeral service will be held in the Cathedral on August 21, 2021 at 2 p.m.

The livestream will begin a few minutes ahead of the service. If you have trouble playing the video, try watching directly on Vimeo at:

To receive pastoral care support for yourself or a loved one, please call Minister for Pastoral Care Jody Gillit (office: 713-590-3319, mobile: 832-691-4775).

To reach a priest for an emergency during nonworking hours only (evenings and weekends), please call 713-826-5332 (English) or 832-330-6276 (Español).

If you would like the Cathedral to pray for you or for someone else, you may fill out a prayer request form.

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