Every Member Canvass
You are the light of the world…Let your light shine before others.
Matthew 5:14-16
For 185 years, Christ Church Cathedral community has served as a beacon of steadfast discipleship, shining the light of God’s unwavering love to those who live on the margins of society.
Today, because of our parishioners’ commitment to our faith, our neighbors and the Every Member Canvass, we are poised to continue the legacy of Christ Church in our city through Outreach, Pastoral Care, Worship & Music, and Community & Hospitality.
This is what we are all about at Christ Church Cathedral. We are disciples of Jesus, and the torch we carry to share the Gospel can be seen by many. We must keep that light burning, leading the charge and experiencing re-formation to best serve this commuinity, our city, and the world. God’s Gospel work requires much of us and only with the financial support of every parishioner can we continue this transformative work.
Our Cathedral ministries depend on stewardship (care) from all of us. The things you see at the Cathedral every time you come — our historic campus, beautiful liturgies, amazing music, community outreach, pastoral care, educational programs — all require financial support.
The Every Member Canvass (EMC) is the annual financial pledge campaign that supports the mission and new and on-going programs of the church. The EMC helps cover the costs of everything from lightbulbs and coffee cups to innovative programs and vital technology. It funds more than 2/3rds of the Cathedral’s annual operating budget enabling our common life and outreach in the community.
New this year to the Every Member Canvass, we invite all of our Cathedral family members to Pledge, Participate, and Pray. Visit the Prayer Trellis, write down your prayers for Christ Church on a ribbon and tie them to the trellis as we unite all of our prayers for this beloved community to create an outward, visible and colorful sign of spiritual grace. We will display the Prayer Trellis in it’s final form at our Ingathering Celebration on Loyalty Sunday, November 10.
To fund the 2025 budget fully and responsibly, the Vestry anticipates the Cathedral will need $3.5 million in parishioner pledges.
Out of an estimated 800 families in the congregation, 470 made a pledge in 2024; if more families pledge, and do so generously, we are confident we can successfully reach our goal.
Join us for Ingathering! Loyalty Sunday
We are hopeful to have all pledge commitments returned by Loyalty Sunday, November 10.
We invite you to join us as we renew our commitment to our beloved Cathedral in time, talent, and treasure. Your clergy, staff, and Vestry stand ready to meet the ever-growing needs of our community. Thank you for your support.
What is the Every Member Canvass? What does it support?
The Every Member Canvass (EMC) is the annual financial pledge campaign that supports the mission and new and on-going programs of the church. The EMC helps cover the costs of everything from lightbulbs and coffee cups to innovative programs and vital technology.
What is a pledge? And why should I pledge?
Parish members are asked to make a pledge of financial support to sustain our mission and ministry in the coming calendar year (2024). Making your pledge allows the Vestry to budget accurately and ensure with confidence that the Cathedral’s programmatic needs will be met. The Vestry bases the budget solely on the amount pledged; less income requires decreasing the needed budget levels.
How do I fulfill my pledge?
Christ Church Cathedral operates fiscally on the calendar year – January to December. Payments, which are tax deductible, may be made on your schedule, in a lump sum or installments, in cash, by check, credit card, and through our various digital giving portals. There are several payment options, and you may select the one that works best for you.
You can opt to receive weekly pledge envelopes throughout the year.
If you’d like to pay via credit card, and have the Cathedral set up a payment plan on your behalf, simply fill out the credit card authorization form and return it to Peggy Beltrami, financial administrator, either by email at [email protected] or mail it to Peggy’s attention at: 1117 Texas Ave, Houston, TX 77002.
You can easily set up recurring payments using a credit card or bank account via our online giving portal.
We also accept digital payments via PayPal and Tithe.ly. More details on these payment methods can be found on the Give page.
Are there other tax benefits when making a gift?
There are ever increasing ways to make giving to the church easy just like other non-profits – such as Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRA accounts, contributions through Donor Advised Funds, and the gift of stocks or securities. Some of these options may provide substantial tax benefits for those who qualify. Ask your accountant or investment advisor for more information about options like these.
Have you considered including the Cathedral in your estate plans?
Remembering Christ Church Cathedral in your estate plans with a gift to the Christ Church Cathedral Endowment Fund provides a lasting gift for the future. A portion of the annual budget is funded through annual distributions from the endowment fund. If you’d like more information about leaving a legacy gift visit the Cathedral’s website: www.christchurchcathedral.org/plannedgiving