​Episcopal Booksellers Association Upcoming Talks

Upcoming Author Events

September: Fr. James Martin

Fr. James Martin, progressive Jesuit priest and author of several award winning books, discusses his latest book, Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone with the Episcopal Booksellers Association. Sept. 9, 6 p.m. Register to attend on Zoom.

October: Marilynne Robinson

Notable author Marilynne Robinson discusses Jack, the fourth novel in her Gilead series, with the Episcopal Booksellers Association. Oct. 14, 6 p.m. Register to attend on Zoom.

November: Kate Bowler

Bestselling author Kate Bowler asks: “How do you move forward with a life you didn’t choose?” in a conversation with the Episcopal Booksellers about her newest book, No Cure for Being Human (And Other Truths I Need to Hear). Nov. 11, 6, p.m.

Books and more information are available through the Cathedral Bookstore: thecathedralbookstore.com.


The Episcopal Booksellers Association (EBA) is a nationwide community of Episcopal booksellers whose membership seeks to glorify God and strengthen the Church in our communities by networking among each other, creating greater visibility for Episcopal booksellers with readers, improving market position for Episcopal booksellers, and ensuring the health of stores serving the Episcopal market by being an effective voice in the publishing industry. Representing a unique market, member stores are committed to communicating with and supporting each other. EBA is directed by a volunteer board of directors, including Cathedral Bookstore manager Lucy Chambers who currently serves as president, and a part-time executive director, Kathryn Bissette of St. John’s Cathedral Bookstore in Jacksonville, Florida.

When hosting authors and sharing new titles in stores became impossible due to stay-at-home requirements in the spring of 2020, EBA sought other ways to serve our community. Member stores met weekly on Zoom to share ideas, such as transitioning to remote sales; to meet EBA vendors and determine ways to support each other; and to create the EBA Authors Series. This series continues as a monthly live conversation on Zoom between an author and an informed reader, and includes a Q&A with viewers.

Learn more about EBA events.