EFM: Education for Ministry

In a talk presented at the 2023 EfM Summer Conference, Termaine Hicks described his experience of being shot by police seven times while being pursued for an assault he did not commit. During his treatment in the emergency room the nurse remarked, “God kept you around for a reason. You need to find out why.” Mr. Hicks served almost two decades in prison before the Pennsylvania Innocence Project secured his exoneration. While in prison, Mr. Hicks sought to answer the question the nurse posed and ended up taking EfM while incarcerated. His talk demonstrates the power of EfM to change lives. See the video of his talk:

Are you looking to deepen your faith? Do you want to know more about the Bible, Christian Tradition, and Church History? Are you hoping to understand how your personal experiences and beliefs bring you closer to God and God’s people?

If “yes, EfM (Education for Ministry) may be for you.

EfM is a four-year Christian Formation program founded and administered through the School of Theology of the University of the South at Sewanee. Through study, prayer, worship, and reflection, EfM seminar groups journey together through scripture, church history, and theology.

A seminar group consists of one or two mentors and up to twelve participants. The group meets up to 36 times during the course of a year. Years 1 & 2 study the Hebrew Scriptures, the Gospels, and the New Testament. Year 3 looks at Church History. Year 4 reads systematic theology, developing and enhancing their own practice. Our primary practice is learning to do Theological Reflection as a group to tie our daily lives to our actions to serve Christ in the world.

EfM at the Cathedral meets on Tuesday evenings. The seminar group meets for approximately 2 ½ hours. Outside preparation is approximately 2 hours per week. Our first group meeting will be September 3, 2024.

The cost is $350 per year plus the cost of your textbooks – which can be purchased through the Cathedral Bookstore. Financial assistance is available.

If you are interested in starting EfM this year, please contact Lucy Wagner at [email protected] for registration link and more information.