Search Committee to be Commissioned Sunday, October 16
Thank you for your participation as a congregation in the sessions from several weeks ago when the Parish Profile was discussed, and for participating in the discussions on the important qualities desired in our prospective Dean. Your input will help inform the Search Committee’s deliberations.
The vestry met September 28, and approved the slate of members for the Search Committee. With almost 100 Cathedral members nominated, all of whom are respected and committed members of the Cathedral family, it was very difficult to select only one out of seven nominees for the committee. There were many, many outstanding Cathedral members, so much of the attention was focused on ensuring to the extent possible a balanced representation of the diverse viewpoints, services, ministries and life experiences of our congregation.
The committee will be commissioned on October 16, and soon afterward, it will begin its work. Our Senior Warden, Guy Hagstette, will serve as a non-voting member of the committee and will be charged with keeping parishioners updated as the committee conducts its work. Please keep the Search Committee and the Cathedral in your prayers, and please be sure to thank these committee members for agreeing to devote themselves to the important task of identifying our new Dean:
Search Committee
Linnet Deily – Chair
Consuelo Bravo
Robin Bullington
Meredith Canada
Debby Francis
Eric Hagstette
Kristin Johnson
Bill McKenzie
Erin McMillin
Will Randall
Flo Ray
Rob Reedy
Floyd Robinson
Matthew Wright
Senior Warden – Ex Officio