Parishioner Survey Online

As part of the search process for our next Dean, you are invited to share your thoughts on identifying the kind of pastoral leader you prefer as well as what is most important to you about the Cathedral and our ministries. Please fill out the survey by choosing one of the links below. It is available in English and Spanish. The survey closes August 25.


The call of a new Dean is a critical event in the life of the Cathedral. It is a time of making a choice about your future. This moment provides an important opportunity for a congregation to share together in assessing who we are and where we see ourselves going. To assist in this task, the survey not only asks several sets of direct questions about the kind of pastoral leader you would like to see chosen, but it also includes sets of broader questions regarding your Cathedral’s current ministry and your own involvement. Simply check the appropriate box or supply the required information as indicated. When answering questions with a limited number of choices, please choose the answer that comes closest to the right answer for you, even if it does not fit perfectly. Unanswered items reduce the usefulness of the inventory.

In many cases, more than one person in a household will complete an inventory. That is the way it is supposed to be. Please work independently and complete separate questionnaires. It is important that everyone participate in this survey!

Thank you for your cooperation. We hope you enjoy filling out the questionnaire, and that in addition to assisting your Cathedral, you may find it a helpful means of reflecting on your faith and the meaning of your church experience.


La búsqueda de un nuevo decano es un evento crítico en la vida de la Catedral. Es el tiempo de tomar una decisión sobre nuestro futuro, ofrece a la congregación una gran oportunidad de participar unida en la definición quiénes somos y hacia dónde nos dirijimos.

En esta encuesta no solo encontrará usted secciones de preguntas directas sobre el/la líder pastoral que le gustaría que sea seleccionado/a, sino que también encontrará preguntas más amplias sobre el ministerio actual de la Catedral, y la forma como usted está participando.

Por favor elija la respuesta que mejor refleje su opinión. Dejar en blanco una pregunta creará un impacto negativo en el resultado final de la encuesta.

En muchos casos, varias personas en el hogar van a responder a la encuesta. Recomendamos llenar una encuesta por cada persona que decida participar en el hogar. ¡Es importante que todo el mundo participe!

Gracias anticipadas por su participación. Esperamos que le guste la experiencia de ser parte de esta encuesta. Además de ayudar a su Catedral, deseamos que le ayude en su fe y experiencia en la iglesia.