Going Back to Galilee, Acts of the Apostles, and a Big Announcement

Reading the Acts of the Apostles in Easter

In this Easter season in which we are learning to be the church while remaining physically distant, the Cathedral invites all of our parishioners to read and study the Acts of the Apostles.

Why Acts? We read the Acts of the Apostles together because Acts is about how the church became the church in an unprecedented and unpredictable time. Even more importantly, Acts is about how the Holy Spirit shows up for a group of scared and uncertain disciples. The Holy Spirit is showing up, even now! By attending to how the Spirit has worked in the past, we can better discern the Spirit’s comforting and life-giving presence in the present.

The Acts in Easter Reading Plan begins this coming Sunday, April 19. Parishioners are invited to register to participate in the small groups program here. You can read all about this exciting new Cathedral Reads the Book of Acts program here. I look forward to plumbing the wisdom and inspiration of the Acts of the Apostles with you.


A Big Announcement

After six years of dedicated service as Canon Vicar, Art Callaham has announced that he has accepted the position of Chaplain at Episcopal High School here in Houston. Art’s tenure at the Cathedral will end on May 31, after which he, Erica, and the kids will take some well-deserved vacation before starting in his new role at EHS in mid-summer. 

Art has played a leading role in shaping our Cathedral to be a community of embrace. It would be hard to imagine the past six years without Art’s presence and good care. Even so, this is an exciting new chapter in ministry for Art. I’m pleased for him and, if I may say so, proud of him. These days of social distancing are perhaps a less-than-ideal time to announce this transition, but know that Art’s conversations with me about his transition pre-date the coronavirus. As Art says of himself, “It’s been nearly two decades since I was last in the classroom, and it is high time for me to return.” 

Like you, I will miss the Callahams very much. That said, I’m pleased Art will be my daughter’s chaplain at EHS! Art has written a letter to the Cathedral community, which can be found here. 

I’m also pleased to announce that the Rev. Kathy Pfister has accepted the call to be our new Canon Vicar. Kathy joins Christ Church after more than a decade of experience as both the senior associate at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Austin, TX, a parish of comparable size to the Cathedral, and the vicar of Good Shepherd’s second campus, Good Shepherd on the Hill. Kathy and her husband Phil have a son, Charles, who is a college student at Sewanee, and a daughter, Camille, who is a junior in high school. I have been blessed to know Kathy for a long time. She is a leader who empowers others in their ministries. We are most fortunate that she has answered the call to join the Cathedral community, and I look forward to her arrival. This past Easter weekend, Kathy sent along a message of greeting to the Cathedral community, which can be found here.

Once this time of physical distancing has passed, we will have opportunities both to bid the Callahams a loving and fond farewell and welcome the Pfisters to Christ Church.


Supporting the Cathedral

Cathedral ministries of outreach, pastoral care, worship, and formation continue, and supporting Christ Church is as important as ever. You can make your offering to the Cathedral in any of these ways:

  • Visit the Cathedral Give page to find out the many ways you can support our church

  • Make an offering or give in other ways using PayPal

  • Text the word “Give” to 888-998-1634


Pastoral Care and the Cathedral Good Neighbor Program

At the Cathedral, we are all sisters and brothers in Christ. During this time of physical distancing, you are likely to receive a call from a Cathedral Good Neighbor who lives near you. Please share with your Cathedral Good Neighbor any needs that you may have. You may also contact our minister for pastoral care or a priest for tangible assistance, an ear to bend, or a word of encouragement:

Jody Gillit, Minister for Pastoral Care
var u1098100464=”jgillit”; var h123857557=”christchurchcathedral.org”;var linktext=u1098100464+’@’+h123857557;h123857557=”christchurchcathedral.org”;document.write(‘‘ + linktext + ‘‘); , 832-691-4775

The Very Rev. Barkley Thompson
var u1622287219=”bthompson”; var h1193204048=”christchurchcathedral.org”;var linktext=u1622287219+’@’+h1193204048;h1193204048=”christchurchcathedral.org”;document.write(‘‘ + linktext + ‘‘); , 832-740-3595

The Rev. Canon Art Callaham
var u766118748=”acallaham”; var h1376218138=”christchurchcathedral.org”;var linktext=u766118748+’@’+h1376218138;h1376218138=”christchurchcathedral.org”;document.write(‘‘ + linktext + ‘‘); , 713-597-1375

The Rev. Canon Simón Bautista
var u381129869=”sbautista”; var h3310624=”christchurchcathedral.org”;var linktext=u381129869+’@’+h3310624;h3310624=”christchurchcathedral.org”;document.write(‘‘ + linktext + ‘‘); , 301-204-0130

The Rev. Canon Becky Zartman
var u505222752=”bzartman”; var h832420845=”christchurchcathedral.org”;var linktext=u505222752+’@’+h832420845;h832420845=”christchurchcathedral.org”;document.write(‘‘ + linktext + ‘‘); , 570-259-0671

The Rev. Greg Seme
var u2008616502=”gseme”; var h27670453=”christchurchcathedral.org”;var linktext=u2008616502+’@’+h27670453;h27670453=”christchurchcathedral.org”;document.write(‘‘ + linktext + ‘‘); , 305-788-0754

The Rev. Jim Morgan
var u586213876=”jmorgan”; var h192996638=”beaconhomeless.org”;var linktext=u586213876+’@’+h192996638;h192996638=”beaconhomeless.org”;document.write(‘‘ + linktext + ‘‘); , 936-355-9051

After Hours Pastoral Care Line, English, 713-826-5332 (nights and weekends) 
After Hours Pastoral Care Line, en español, 301-204-0130 

Grace and peace,

The Very Reverend Barkley Thompson, Dean