Angels of the Bible Event

The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead will discuss her book “Angels of the Bible: Finding Grace, Beauty, and Meaning” on Thursday, November 12, at 6 p.m. CST with Richelle Thompson, Managing Editor of Forward Movement.

Their conversation will explore the presence of angels in the Bible and cover the continued existence of angels and the role of angels within our lives today. Presented by the Episcopal Booksellers Association, this promises to be a joyous discussion which will provide strength and centering as we prepare for Advent. Dean Moorehead will take questions from participants in the webinar.

Contact the Cathedral Bookstore at

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Learn more about Dean Moorehead:

The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead is the tenth dean of St John’s Cathedral, where she oversees a vibrant urban congregation of about 1,500, along with a number of non-profits birthed by the Cathedral. Mother Kate has led the Cathedral congregation in developing ministries for the homeless, immigrants and children as well as implementing a new vision for the redevelopment of the urban core in the Cathedral District. She also serves as vice president of the Episcopal School of Jacksonville, the Cathedral School Early Learning Center, Cathedral Arts Project, Cathedral Care nursing facility and Aging True Community Senior Services.

A noted preacher, Kate is known for her speaking and scholarship throughout the Episcopal Church. She has presented at the National Diocesan Convention as well as numerous church conferences and workshops within the United States, and is the author of five seasonal meditation books, as well as a book and three-part video series about Mary Magdalene.

Kate is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Vassar College and a cum laude graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary, where she earned her Master of Divinity. She and her husband James (J.D.) have three sons — Luke, Jake and Max.