Acting on Faith

Worship Schedule for Sunday, October 18

This Sunday, October 18, we will have in-person worship at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 1 p.m.

Register for in-person worship, 9:00 a.m. Sunday, October 18.

Register for in-person worship, 11:00 a.m. Sunday, October 18.

Register for in-person worship, 1:00 p.m. Sunday, October 18.

See FAQ’s for returning to in-person worship.

Three of our worship services will be livestreamed. Please join us from your home for Holy Eucharist, Rite I, at 11 a.m.La Santa Eucaristía, Rito II, a la 1:00 p.m.; and The Well, Celtic Eucharist, at 5 p.m. 

Acting on Faith

EMC Reflection by Criselda and Isaac Tristan

Sing the praises of the Lord for he has done great things and this is known in all the world (Isaiah 12:5)
When we think about this verse, we can’t help but ponder, how are we doing our part? How are we, as part of Christ Church Cathedral, helping to fulfill the great things the Cathedral has done and continues to do? How can we improve those things or branch out to do other great things? Our spiritual need is not solely based upon hearing the word of the Lord, listening to beautiful music, and being inspired by the sermon but to also act. Therefore, part of our spiritual fulfillment is the act. The act of doing great things like pastoral care, outreach and evangelism. However, that act requires financial support, for financial support allows great things to happen. We, as part of the Cathedral family, want to do our part. We want to feel a total spiritual satisfaction and know we have a small part in helping great things to happen. So for us, financially supporting Christ Church Cathedral is an important part of spiritual fulfillment. 
How do we go about discerning our annual pledge? Each of us asks ourselves: how is our pledge being used? The answer to that can be found in the brochure that was mailed to each of us: 17% evangelism, 16% pastoral care, 21% outreach, etc… and where the funds come from? Two thirds (66%) of the funds come from parishioners. When we think about that, we realize that we, the parishioners, are the greatest drivers of the great things the Cathedral does. When we stop to ponder that, we realize that it is possible to increase our pledge so more great things can be done. Therefore, we are increasing our pledge. 

EMC Reflection by Criselda and Isaac Tristan, 2021 EMC Co-Chairs


The Every Member Canvass is our annual opportunity to pledge financial support to Christ Church Cathedral for the coming calendar year, a true investment in future mission and ministry. As we live in a time unlike any other, the need is great, and we hope that all will make their pledge through trust in God who casts out our fear, and out of the joy we know when we meet God in this place.

Ways to make your pledge:

  • Pledging online is easy.
  • Return the pledge card you received by mail to 1117 Texas Ave, Houston, TX 77002.
  • Make a pledge over the phone at 713-590-3338 or by email by contacting Karen Kraycirik, minister for stewardship.


Learn more about this year’s EMC at:

Supporting the Cathedral

The Cathedral continues to be engage in ministry. Our pastoral care, outreach, worship, and program ministries carry on, and supporting Cathedral ministries is as important as ever. You can make your offering in any of these ways:  

· Visit the Cathedral Give page to find out the many ways you can support our church.
· Make an offering or give in other ways using PayPal.
· Text the word “Give” to 888-998-1634.